The Royal Scots

(The Royal Regiment)

The Interwar and Post-1945


GSM 1918


GSM 1918


GSM 1918




GSM 1962




Palestine 1938

By the end of 1919 demobilistation was complete. Belief that there would never be another war, along with drastic national economies, led to a rapid reduction in the size of the Army. The two Regular Royal Scots battalions remained, reverting to the practice of one remaining at home with the other abroad. In 1920 2RS undertook garrison duties in Ireland seeing action in 'The Troubles', at a cost of eight killed or died, and which ended in 1922 with the creation of the Irish Free State, now the Republic of Ireland. In 1926 2RS moved to Egypt just as 1RS were returning to the UK from seven years in Burma, India and Aden. From Egypt 2RS went on to serve in China, India and finally, in 1938, to Hong Kong. That same year 1RS moved from Aldershot to Palestine for a one-year operational tour helping to quell the Arab Revolt - a tour which cost them 16 killed and 42 wounded.

The end of WW2 found 1RS in Burma and 2RS on operations in Palestine. In February 1948 the two Battalions merged into one in Edinburgh. The 56-year period from then until the further merger into the Royal Regiment of Scotland (SCOTS) in 2006 saw many and frequent changes of station and role - often at short notice. These included operational tours in Korea, the Canal Zone, Cyprus (in 1955 and 1974), Suez, the Radfan and Aden, Northern Ireland (13 tours totalling 7½ years), the Falkland Islands, the Gulf, Bosnia and 2 tours in Iraq. Fortunately, in spite of so much time spent on operations or in operational theatres, losses were comparatively light with a total of 23 Royals killed, or died in accidents, including three former members of the Regiment subsequently killed serving with SCOTS Battalions in Afghanistan.

The Gulf 1991





The Elizabeth Cross

Instituted in 2009, the Elizabeth Cross is a commemorative emblem given to the next of kin of members of the British Armed Forces killed in action or as a result of a terrorist attack after the Second World War.

Interactive Map showing The Royal Scots Interwar and Post-1945 Casualties Killed or Died in Operational Theatres.
To find a Campaign in a particular Country, and the Roll of those killed there, click on the circle in the arrowhead symbol pointing to that Country.

'The Barren Rocks of Aden'. Radfan 1964

Recovering an Armoured Car. Ireland 1922

Korea 1953

Vehicle Patrol. Palestine 1938

Patrol in The Sovereign Base Area. Cyprus 1974

'Last Post' Lowering the Regimental Flag for the Last Time. Basra, Iraq. 28 March 2006

Falklands Islands Patrol. 1984

HRH the Princess Royal Visiting 1RS in West Belfast, 1987

Pte Thomas Gow MM. The Gulf 1991

'Hearts and Minds'. Bosnia 2002-03


O Lord Jesus Christ, who art the first and the last,
grant we pray Thee, that as thou has promised
to be with us even unto the end of the world,
so may The Royal Scots be the first to follow
Thee and the last to forsake Thee, who art
with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end, Amen

373 years of unbroken service to Queen and Country