Martyrs’ Kirk stands on the site of what was originally Martyrs’ Free Kirk. Built in 1844, the original building was demolished in order to build a bigger church that met the demands of its congregation. This structure, which remains standing to this…
St Salvator’s College and Chapel were founded by Bishop James Kennedy in 1450 and the college was originally founded with both a missionary and an educational function. The Chapel was built in a late gothic architecture style with the main entrance…
The Harbour barometer, which can be found in the wall of 35 North Street, contains an aneroid and a Fitzroy barometer with storm glass, but is missing its thermometer. It was installed after Admiral Robert Fitzroy (acting as the first head of the…
By the cliffside gate of the Cathedral, there are two stone sights embedded in the wall, with the western one pointing to the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Depending on the weather conditions, the lighthouse may be visible as a small white dot on the…