Ivan Szabo

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Ivan Szabo




Iván Szabό (born 1822) was a photographer from Marosvásárhely, present-day Târgu Mureş in Transylvania. In 1849, after getting involved in a political conflict in his home country, he settled in St Andrews. Following his arrival, he taught languages at Madras College while studying photography and the photographic calotype process with local photographer Thomas Rodger. Szabό opened his first studio in 1857 after moving to Edinburgh. He died shortly after in 1858. Despite the success he experienced during his lifetime, he remains almost entirely forgotten as a photographer.











Alternative Title

Iván Szabó


Europeana Type


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Biographical Text

Family origins: From Transylvania, formerly Hungary, nowadays Romania Education: N/A Photographer: Student of Thomas Rodger Name: Iván Szabó D.O.B: 1822 D.O.D: 1858 Profession: Photographer Talents etc.: N/A Private life/family life: N/A (Professional) Role in St Andrews: At arrival, taught European languages at secondary school photographer Years in St Andrews: 1849-1857 (went to Edinburgh)


Involved in which fields of scholarship? (e.g. geology, philosophy and medicine) Photography Most famous contribution(s) to scholarship 1 (i.e. in photography): Photographic exhibitions, 1850s Most famous contribution(s) to scholarship 2: N/A If you want to read one thing written by him/her, it should be: X N/A Any political involvement? Served in army and came to Scotland when revolution against Habsburg empire failed Any religious involvement? N/A Other societies/groups in St Andrews? N/A Other societies/groups elsewhere? N/A Associated places in St Andrews: (e.g. home, lab, favourite spot) Studio in St Andrews Possible human interest story 1: Ivan Szabo's largest entry exhibition appears to have been 26 collodion portraits entered into the London Photographic Society Exhibition of Photographs and Daguerreotypes that opened at South Kensington Museum on 15 February 1858. These included: - 2 portraits of Sir David Brewster, one described as having been taken with a Rock-crystal Eye-glass, one inch in diameter, 1/2 inch Stop, 55 seconds exposure. - Portrait of D O Hill Esq. - Portrait of Horatio Ross Esq. Possible human interest story 2: Letter: “Charles and Ela <1> went to Ivan Szabo <2> this morning, and their portraits did well as he says: he made two of each: we will see the result on Thursday, the day Rosamond and Matilde < 3>will try theirs.” -> insight into how photographs were taken: a real appointment + waiting from Tuesday to Thursday for result Possible human interest story 3: Other letter: “I am glad Ivan Szabo has made the portraits <4> If unsuccessful they should not be preserved, as it is easy to try again with some other photographer.” Possible human interest story 4: Other letter: “We spent almost three hours this morning at Mr Ivan Szabo’s: he made two portraits (or rather four) of Rosamond and Tilly which he is very happy with; he would have liked to have done Matilde in another costume, a third time, but there was not enough time. The one of Ela is as good a likeness as one could get; Charles did not come out quite as well, nevertheless it is a very good portrait.” Possible human interest story 5: Political refugee from year of revolution 1848 Possible human interest story 6: Letter of Brewster to Forbes: recommended Szabo Critics at exhibition of annual Photographic Scotland exhibition: equalled him with Rodger Other critic: “Mr Szabo is particularly happy in the natural and pleasing force of his figures, his works being worthy of admiration equally as pictures and as likenesses.” (see Scottish Photography: The first 30 Years) Possible human interest story 7: After his death, studio taken over by Kenneth MaLeay

End Date



Connected to other people in St Andrews or elsewhere?: Dr John Adamson David Brewster Hugh Lyon Playfair Robert Adamson Thomas Rodger Awards/Honours: Medal at Brussels exhibition for portrait Mrs Finlay Numbers: N/A Other interesting/quirky facts (not necessarily related to subject areas): N/A Any eye-witness testimony/stories: Biographical sources: (e.g. OxDNB, family memoir, other...) http://gaedin.co.uk/wp/cemetery/8-ivan-szabo-1822-1858 http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/pp_n/pp_szabo.htm Shadow and substance : essays on the history of photography in honor of Heinz K. Henisch http://kmd-s.dmu.ac.uk/letters/freetext.php?keystring=szabo&keystring2=&keystring3=&year1=1800&year2=1877&pageNo=0 (letters 7607, 7611, 7619) Stevenson and Morrison-Low, Scottish photography: The First 30 Years, pp.133-135 Available images of the person: Scottish photography: The First 30 Years, p.135 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/eYICN6P5IhZ7DQIA8dlOEWM-R65F8dtjOaYhMTKHHGw5b3XE8v13wVnOciYGkEgkck63yPVXloV7PO3755AksDYIH6Gxcu4ae5YIQ-uDiRWOC19wc9h6S_lJ Available images of places/objects associated with the person: N/A


“Ivan Szabo,” St Andrews Science, accessed March 29, 2025, https://straylight.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/standscience/omeka/items/show/276.