Sir James Irvine was a Scottish organic chemist and he served as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews for more than 30 years. He is well known for his discoveries concerning sugar molecules, especially his development of the…
Academic administrator
(Bursar and lecturer in philosophy in Oxford 1931-1936)
Talents etc.:
Scholarly prowess
Savoir faire
(Professional) Role in St Andrews:
Chair of moral philosophy at the…
Sir Robert Watson-Watt was a Scottish engineer and the inventor of radar. His work led to the survival of the RAF during the Battle of Britain and to eventual German defeat.
Born in Brechin, Angus, in 1892, Watson-Watt studied for a degree in…
Sphagnum moss is the collective term for numerous different species of peat moss which carpet marches, heaths, and moors around the world. Sphagnum moss has been used for at least 1,000 years to help heal wounds, although it was during the First…