Browse Items (472 total)

Pharmacist, together with William Smith, providing photographers with materials also learnt art of photography Founder of Smith & Govan Location of former Chemistry shop known, photograph available

Pharmacist, together with William Smith, providing photographers with materials also learnt art of photography place of former chemistry shop known, photograph available

Amateur photographer Associated with Brewster, as his sister married a son of Brewster sister and her husband King also involved in photography: Kng album

Patron of photography, with husband Lord Kinnaird

Patron of photography, with his wife Lady Kinnaird Name: George William Fox Kinnaird, ninth Lord Kinnaird of Inchture, Baron Rossie, and first Baron Kinnaird of Rossie D.O.B: 1807 D.O.D: 1878

Studio assistant of Hill and Adamson
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