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Iván Szabό (born 1822) was a photographer from Marosvásárhely, present-day Târgu Mureş in Transylvania. In 1849, after getting involved in a political conflict in his home country, he settled in St Andrews. Following his arrival, he taught languages…

Philosopher and promoter of very early photography

Profession: Philosopher Academic administrator (Bursar and lecturer in philosophy in Oxford 1931-1936) Talents etc.: Business Scholarly prowess Savoir faire (Professional) Role in St Andrews: Chair of moral philosophy at the…

Profession: Historian Philosopher Theologian (Professional) Role in St Andrews: Lecturer in arts and theology, assessor to the dean of the arts faculty Provost of St Salvator’s College 1534-1550 Dean of the faculty of theology…

Profession: Philosopher (Professional) Role in St Andrews: Chair of moral philosophy and political economy at the university Years in St Andrews: 1845-1864
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