The Scotichronicon is a chronicle written by Walter Bower, abbot of Inchcolm, in the 1440s. It traces the history of Scotland from its origins, and is a major source for the study of medieval Scotland. All sixteen books were edited from the surviving…
‘The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 (RPS) is a fully searchable database containing the proceedings of the Scottish parliament from the first surviving act of 1235 to the union of 1707. The culmination of over ten years’ work by…
‘The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 (RPS) is a fully searchable database containing the proceedings of the Scottish parliament from the first surviving act of 1235 to the union of 1707. The culmination of over ten years’ work by…
All catalogue entries can be found on the University of St Andrews Library Special Collections website: