Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)

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Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)


The structure consists of three divisions: small entrance passage or anteroom, dressing room and bathing chamber with boulder fireplace and sweating bench. Water in the tub was heated by immersing hot stones in it. The smoke was let off through the door and small window.
Saturdays were generally bath days. Sweating happened on the bench with the help of a switch of green birch twigs. Babies were delivered and maladies treated also in the bathhouse.
Bathhouse’s place of origin is parish Nīca, Liepāja district, “Spirēni”; and it was built in ~ 1862. Re-erected in the museum in 1945.

Pirtij ir trīs telpas: priekšnams – vējtveris, ģērbtuve un mazgāšanās telpa ar krautu laukakmeņu krāsni un lāvu. Ūdeni sildīja baļļā, iemetot sakarsētus akmeņus. Dūmus laida caur durvīm un lodziņu.
Sestdienas parasti bija pirtsdienas. Pērās uz lāvas ar lapainu bērzu zaru slotu. Pirtī arī laida pasaulē bērnus un ārstēja kaites.
Pirts bija atvesta no bijušas Liepājas apriņķa, Nīcas pagasta, “Spirēni”; uzcelta ~ 1862. gadā. Muzejā uzstādīta 1945. gadā.


Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)
Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)


“Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts),” Open Virtual Worlds, accessed February 21, 2025, https://straylight.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/omeka/items/show/794.



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  1. Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)
  2. Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Bathhouse) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Pirts)