Bronze Age Collection
Meet the collection: Bronze Age
The Bridges collection has an impressive collection of Bronze Age pottery, dating to around the Early and Middle Bronze Age (2000-1200 BCE). These items are typical of these periods in the form of red-polished ware, white-painted ware, and red-on-black ware. The former two were in use widely across Cyprus, while the red-on-black was limited to the Eastern part of the island. The pottery is all handmade, the decorations and shapes becoming more elaborate towards the Late Bronze Age.
The Historical Background
The sites of Bronze Age Cyprus are not surprisingly linked with the availability o fwater and agricultural land. As the Bronze Age moved forward, there was increasing evidence for copper minding and tin bronze and while the whole island gradually became fully occupied, the material culture across Cyprus remained distinguishable.
Trade and the importation of foreign goods became more commonplace in the Late Bronze Age (1650-1050 BCE).

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These particular items would most likely have been found in grave contexts.